5 Reasons to Reconnect at ODSC East 2022

ODSC East 2022 is next week, and this event is shaping up to start off the year on a high note. Coming April 19th-21st in Boston or virtually, ODSC East will feature over 260 speakers and more than 300 hours of content, showcasing the breadth and depth of trending data science topics, tools, and frameworks that help data scientists get ahead. From these sessions to the AI Expo Hall and more, here are a few reasons to attend ODSC East 2022.
1. Grab a Free In-Person Bronze Pass Before They are Gone
An in-person Bronze Pass gives you access to over 60+ ODSC talks that include deep learning, machine learning, responsible AI, NLP, and MLOps. Here’s a sample:
The Wisdom of the Cloud
Allen Downey, PhD | Professor | Olin College and Author of Think Python, Think Bayes,
Scalable Evaluation of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Melting Pot
Joel Z. Leibo, PhD, Research Scientist, DeepMind
Learned optimizers
Luke Metz | Research Scientist | Google Brain
Data Boards: A Collaborative and Interactive Space for Data Science
Tim Kraska, PhD | Professor, MIT ,CSAIL,Co-director DSAIL, Co-founder Einblick Analytics
Just Machine Learning
Tina Eliassi-Rad, PhD | Professor | Northeastern University
Overconfidence in machine learning: do our models know what they don’t know?
Padhraic Smyth, PhD | Chancellor’s Professor | UC Irvine
Unlocking the Value of Siloed Data with Multi-party ML
Roshanak Houmanfar | VP Machine Learning Products | Integrate.ai
Democratizing Access to Data with Synthetic Data Generation
Daniel Nissani | Machine Learning Scientist | Gretel.Ai
The Origins, Purpose, and Practice of Data Observability
Kevin Hu | Co-founder and CEO | Metaplane
Shadow AI, the Silent Killer of Deep Learning Productivity
Gijsbert Janssen Van Doorn | Director of Technical Product Marketing | Run:Ai
Quick to production with the best of both spark and tensorflow
Ronny Mathew | Senior Data Scientist | Rue Gilt Groupe
MLOps: From 0–60 with Pachyderm
Jimmy Whitaker | Pachyderm, Jeffrey Saltz, PhD | Associate Professor | Syracuse University
Leveling Up Your Organization’s Capacity for Data-informed Decisions
Mona Khalil | Data Science Manager | Greenhouse Software
InfluxDB: The Database for Your Time Series Data Science Problems
Anais Dotis-Georgiou | Developer Advocate | Influxdata
From Experimentation to Product
The Production ML Journey | Robert Crowe | TensorFlow Developer Engineer | Google
Feature Engineering on the Modern Data Stack
Andrew Engel, PhD | Chief Data Scientist | RasgoML
Best Practices for Data Annotation at Scale
Jai Natarajan | Vice President, Strategic Business Development | iMerit
AI Observability: How To Fix Issues With Your ML Model
Danny D. Leybzon | MLOps Architect | WhyLabs
Make your Machine Learning Models Mean more with Mathematical Optimization
Dr. Alison Cozad | Optimization Engineer | Gurobi
Accelerating MLOps with Kubernetes, CI/CD & GitOps
Subin Modeel | Product Manager | OpenShift
Model Registry with Open Source Tools: Git, GitHub and CI/CD
Dmitry Petrov, PhD | CEO | Iterative.ai
A Unified View of Trustworthy AI with the 360 Toolkits
Kush R. Varshney Ph.D. | Research Staff Member and Manager | IBM
This is just a sample of the many great sessions and speakers we have lined up. Grab a pass here before they are gone.
2. Grab a Free Virtual Pass
Can’t make it in-person to Boston? You’re still in luck; ODSC is hybrid this year so we have over 50 free sessions online. Here are a few:
Machine Learning for A/B Testing
Alex Peysakhovich, PhD | Senior Research Scientist | Facebook AI Research
Evaluating, Interpreting, and Monitoring Machine Learning Models
Ankur Taly, PhD | Staff Research Scientist | Google
Emotion Detection with Natural Language Inference
Serdar Cellat, PhD | Lead Machine Learning Scientist | Y Meadows
ImageNet and its Discontents. The Case for Responsible Interpretation in ML
Razvan Amironesei, PhD | Applied Data Ethicist, Visiting Researcher | Google
Interpretable Machine Learning: Moving From Mythos to Diagnostics
Ameet Talwalkar, PhD | Assistant Professor, Machine Learning | Carnegie Mellon University
Gym and the Future of Reinforcement Learning
J K Terry | PhD Student, Founder and CEO | University of Maryland College Park, Farama Foundation
Using AI for Immunogenicity Potential Assessment in Drug Discovery
Jiayi Cox, PhD | Data Scientist | Novartis
Trustworthy AI
Jeannette M. Wing, PhD | Data Science Institute | Professor of Computer Science | Columbia University
Making Apache Spark, Apache Mahout, Kubeflow, and Kubernetes Play Nice
Trevor Grant | Managing Partner | Aboriginal Armadillo
The Origins, Purpose, and Practice of Data Observability
Kevin Hu | Co-founder and CEO | Metaplane
Security Operations for Machine Learning at Scale with MLSecOps
Alejandro Saucedo | Engineering Director, Machine Learning | Seldon
Scaling AI Workloads with the Ray Ecosystem
Robert Nishihara | CEO and CoFounder | Anyscale
Open-source Best Practices in Responsible AI
Violeta Misheva, PhD, Senior Data Scientist, ABN Amro | Daniel Vale , Legal Counsel for AI H&M
Methods and Tools for Time Series Data Science Problems with InfluxDB
Anais Dotis-Georgiou | Developer Advocate | Influxdata
Mapping for Climate Change with Deep Learning on Remotely Sensed Imagery
Jeremy Irvin | PhD student | Stanford Machine Learning Group
Kubernetes — Observability Engineering
Ravi Kumar Buragapu | Sr. Engineering Leader — Observability Engineering | Adobe Systems Inc
Introducing Model Validation Toolkit
Alex Eftimiades, Matt Gillett | Senior Data Scientist, Software Development Engineer In Test | FINRA
A Simple Approach to The Infinitely Complex Ransomware Problem
Jerald Ray | Chief Operations Officer | SecureAge Technology
Deploying AI for Climate Adaptation: A Spotlight on Disaster Management
Thomas Y Chen | Student Researcher | Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
Data Science in the Cloud-Native Era
Yuan Tang | Founding Engineer Akuity, Co-chair, Kubeflow
What I love and hate about Dask
Matthew Rocklin, PhD | CEO and founder | Coiled
The Power Of Hexagons: How H3 & Foursquare Are Transforming Spatial Analytics
Nick Rabinowitz | Senior Staff Engineer | Foursquare
Building Privacy in Public
Lipika Ramaswamy | Senior Applied Scientist | Gretel.Ai
Responsible AI for customer product organizations
Aishwarya Srinivasan | Data Scientist | Google Cloud AI Services
Check our schedule for the full lineup and grab a virtual pass here before they are gone.
3. Free Access to Awesome keynotes
We have a number of scheduled Keynote and track keynote speakers this year that represents the future of data science. Speakers include:
Manuela M. Veloso, Head of AI Research, JP Morgan, previously Head of the Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University
Hilary Mason | Co-Founder | Hidden Door
Overconfidence in Machine Learning: Do Our Models Know What They Don’t Know?
Padhraic Smyth, PhD | Chancellor’s Professor | UC Irvine
Unsolved ML Safety Problems
Dan Hendrycks | DeepMind
The Big Wave of AI at Scale
Luis Vargas, PhD | Partner Technical Advisor | Microsoft
Is Your ML Secure? Cybersecurity and Threats in the ML World
Dr. Hari Bhaskar, PhD, Director — Data Science & AI Platform and Jean-Rene Gauthier, PhD, AI Platform Architect | Oracle
Bridging the Gap Between Data Scientists and Decision Makers
Ken Jee | Z by HP Global Data Science Ambassadors
MLOps Beyond Training: Simplifying and Automating the Operational Pipeline
Yaron Haviv | Co-Founder & CTO | Iguazio
Model Registry with Open Source Tools: Git, GitHub, and CI/CD
Dmitry Petrov, PhD | CEO | Iterative.ai
4. The AI Expo & Demo Hall
Discover the machine intelligence, deep learning, and AI platforms and solutions that are transforming the world of business and delivering some of today’s most dynamic and exciting products and services. The Hybrid AI Expo & Demo Hall this April 19th-21st gives you direct access and exposure to some of the leading platforms in the field. You’ll gain access to 40+ virtual booths, 40+ demo talks, and 2 days of ODSC keynotes.
5. Startup Showcase
Another highlight coming to ODSC East 2022 is the AI Startup Showcase & Lab, where you can meet the founders, investors, speakers, and teams powering some of the worlds leading AI and machine learning startups. Interested startups can meet with venture capitalists to possibly get their product funded, while fans of startups can learn more about each startup at the Startup Expo.
Reconnect at ODSC East 2022
There we have it — five reasons to reconnect at ODSC East 2022. Between the sessions and extra events, there are plenty of ways to reconnect with the greater data science community and to expand your skillset with new tools, frameworks, and more. Register now for 20% off and get excited for the event next week!