8 Trending GitHub Projects for Summer 2019
GitHub is, without a doubt, the go-to place for repositories in the data science community. As such, we’ve decided to start an open-source data science project series. We’ll round up the best projects we find on GitHub for you to use and learn about. Each is a unique example of open-source data and the way it can be used in real life. Take these projects as they’re intended, or use them as inspiration for your own projects. Either way, here are the eight best trending GitHub projects of summer 2019, so far.
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A digitized version of the original Apollo 11 (the first spaceflight to put humans on the moon) guidance computer source code, originally put together by Virtual AGC and MIT Museum. It has 44k stars on GitHub, courtesy of Chris Garry.
A step-by-step study guide for acing a high-stress/importance coding interview. The writer, John Washam, used this to get a position as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon. He apparently studied for 8 hours each day for a few months straight, but he did it all on his own, without any university schooling. It has 86.5k stars and is an incredible feat of the abilities of free education in the data science sphere.
An open-source big data platform, designed for the “Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Cars, Industrial IoT, and IT Infrastructure and Application Monitoring.” It supports building and running on Linux (also an open-sourced program) systems, and has 9k stars on GitHub, courtesy of TaosData.
Code to make it easy for you to develop applications using Spring Cloud — a “one-stop solution for distributed application development.” It has 8k stars and is created and maintained by Alibaba, a B2B global marketing company.
Sherlock is code that allows you to find different social media accounts across the internet by username, rather than randomly searching on Google or individual platforms. It’s created by user Sherlock-Project and has almost 7k stars.
An in-depth training course on using the software Go — an open-source programming language that is used to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Ardan Labs, the creators of this training, provide deep understanding of the language, but also focus on mechanics, design guidelines and philosophies behind the program. The project has almost 6k stars.
Code for Go (again, the open-source programming language) compiler in smaller spots, including: microcontrollers, WebAssembly, and command-line tools. It’s created by user TinyGo and has almost 4k stars on GitHub.
Info resource and code repository for the book Python Machine Learning. Created and maintained by Sebastian Raschka, with 4.5k stars.
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All of these projects are incredibly well put together and can give an in-depth educational experience if you only give them the time they require. Some, like the Coding Interview University, could take a few months, others could be an easy plugin-type insert. Look through them, and stick around to see our next picks.
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