All Networking and Extra Events Coming to ODSC West 2022

ODSC - Open Data Science
3 min readAug 1, 2022

ODSC West 2022 is not only the ideal conference for building job-ready skills in machine learning, deep learning, MLOps, data analytics, and more, it’s also a great place to work on your soft skills and build connections during the many scheduled in-person and virtual networking events. Check out some of the extra events coming to ODSC West this October 31st to November 3rd.

In-Person Only Events

Meet the Experts

Get up close and personal with some of the biggest names in data science! Sessions are audience-focused to help attendees solve their real-world, applied data science problems.

ODSC Networking Reception: November 2nd, 6PM — 8PM

Relax and debrief the day’s talks and workshops with your fellow data scientists and expert speakers. Network, connect, and collaborate with those leading the future of data science and AI.

Book Signing

Meet renowned authors and data scientists and get your books signed. ODSC West will feature signing sessions with both Dr. Jon Krohn and Stefanie Molin. There will be a limited number of complimentary books available, but we recommend bringing your own copy if you have it to be sure.

AI Investor Reverse Pitch: Thursday, November 3rd

Hear from top investment firms & VCs as they explain why your AI and Data Science Startup should choose them. Discover what top firms look for in startups when they are looking to invest, learn what types of businesses they currently have in their portfolios, and then introduce yourself when you find the right potential investor for your startup.

AI Startup Showcase: Thursday, November 3rd

This event will enable start-up companies and contributors to hear the position of AI investment companies as they pitch their organization, vision, and the reason that start-ups or data science projects should partner with them for funding.

Community Meetup: Get even more expert-led talks in an intimate setting at the community meetup. This event is open to both ODSC attendees and the local meetup community.

Dinner with Data Scientists: Tuesday, November 1st, 6PM

Gather with your peers for a relaxed dinner at a nearby restaurant. It’s a great way to connect and meet new people while discovering San Francisco. Space is limited to up to 30 attendees.

Mini-Bootcamp Dinner : Monday, October 31st, 6PM

Mini-Bootcamp Pass holders will have a fantastic opportunity to network with fellow conference Mini-Bootcamp attendees. Share your knowledge and experiences over drinks with other Data Scientists just like you!

Virtual Only Events

Open Spaces: Join 20 min meetup-like events dedicated for people to connect and discuss anything they want, all held virtually on the conference platform.


AI Expo and Demo Hall: November 1st-2nd from 10AM to 5 PM PDT

Meet with leading AI solution providers, including HP, neo4j, and others to learn about the products and solutions that will help you integrate AI into your organization. Some of the technologies to be showcased: Auto ML, Data Labeling, DevOps, DataOps, Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, Image, Voice, and Facial Recognition.

Career Expo: Thursday, November 3rd, 10AM to 5PM

Whether you are in the market for a job or looking to hire, the Career Expo is the place to be! Representatives from 10+ of the top data science companies will be seeking and interviewing talented individuals to fill their open positions.

Women Ignite Session

Hear from your fellow attendees as they showcase their unique, interesting projects in fast-paced, short presentations.

Register for ODSC West 2022 here

At ODSC West, you’ll make new connections and gain new insights during these networking events. Plus, you’ll save 60% on your pass when you register for the conference today.

Original post here.

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ODSC - Open Data Science

Our passion is bringing thousands of the best and brightest data scientists together under one roof for an incredible learning and networking experience.