Anthropic Unveils Claude 3.5 Sonnet

ODSC - Open Data Science
2 min read6 days ago

Anthropic, a rising star in the AI industry backed by tech giants Google and Amazon, announced the release of an updated artificial intelligence model, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, on Thursday. According to Reuters, this new model is designed to enhance user productivity.

This release comes just after only three months after introducing its Claude 3 series. CEO Dario Amodei highlighted the model’s superior performance, noting that it surpasses its predecessor, Claude 3 Opus, in several key areas such as benchmark exams, operates at nearly double the speed, and is available to software developers at just one-fifth of the cost.

AI models are a bit more fungible than cars,” Amodei told Reuters. “I don’t have to buy them and hold onto them for 20 years. That’s one advantage of our field.“. What seems to help Anthropic stand out is its accessibility and user-focused features. The technology is available for free on and through an iOS app, making it easily accessible to a wide audience.

One of the standout features of Claude 3.5 Sonnet is a setting called “Artifacts.” This tool organizes the content generated by the AI — whether it’s an outline for a novel or a simple computer game — into a window display alongside the user’s chat with the AI. This innovation is designed to enhance user experience and streamline the creative process.

In addition to these features, Anthropic has introduced a new group subscription plan. Amodei emphasized that Artifacts and the subscription plan are steps towards “being able to work collaboratively” and “using your model to produce finished products.

Looking ahead, the company announced its intention to release more AI models this year, including Claude 3.5 Opus. “We want to have as fast a release cycle as we can, again, subject to our safety values,” Amodei stated.

The release of Claude 3.5 Sonnet not only highlights the rapid technological advancements but also the growing focus on user experience and accessibility as more emphasis on domain-specific models continues to move forward.

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