Rackspace Launches ICE: A Generative AI System to Fast-Track Repetitive Tasks and Quickly Analyze Private Data

ODSC - Open Data Science
3 min readSep 19, 2023

Rackspace Technology Inc. has launched a new generative artificial intelligence system that they call called ICE. According to a report by the San Antonio Express News, ICE is designed to help businesses fast-track repetitive tasks and quickly analyze private data.

ICE is a proprietary system that uses large language models and interfaces to make inferences and generate text based on a curated corpus of enterprise data. This allows businesses to quickly access and understand their data, and to automate tasks such as customer service, lead generation, and marketing.

Srini Koushik, president of technology and sustainability, said businesses are attempting to learn how to best use generative AI. Because of this, he said that building LLM models and interfaces customers can use in everyday work environments can be challenging.

In a statement to the San Antonio Express News, he said of this difficulty and how ICE can solve this issue, “We believe (ICE) will make AI accessible to all stakeholders and businesses,…ICE is easy to deploy and use, and ICE can help businesses of all sizes get the most out of their data.”

The company is also offering training and support to help businesses get the most out of ICE. ICE’s launch comes as Rackspace is investing heavily in generative AI. For example, back in June, Rackspace announced its Foundry for Generative AI by Rackspace, or FAIR.

The initiative aims to help customers build their own apps and cloud platforms by using AI Chatbots. A month after FAIR was launched, they also launched a technology literacy program called FAIR Learn, which offers voluntary courses on AI to Rackspace employees.

That’s not the only investment in education they have pushed with. Rackspace also assembled training from the social media platform LinkedIn, tech education company DeepLearningAI, and cloud service companies such as Amazon Web Services, Google, and Microsoft Azure.

From FAIR, Rackspace Intelligence Technology Assistant or RITA was created. It is an intelligent chatbot that can perform tasks such as answering texts for those requesting IT services, resetting passwords, and other self-service inquiries.

Because of this, Koushik told Google that, “Rackspace IT doesn’t have anyone answering the phones anymore,…All the level-one support is done through automation, and then the second-level support goes to our engineers.

FAIR also helped to build the ICE system. The company is betting that the growing desire for automation will continue as multiple sectors explore how generative AI can be best utilized while also minding data concerns.

Originally posted on OpenDataScience.com

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